5 Ways to Stay Active in the Springtime


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Last Updated on March 11, 2025

Staying active during the cold winter months can be difficult. The lack of sunlight, warmth, and motivation often leads us to slack off when it comes to staying fit. Fortunately, Springtime is here – and with Springtime comes a renewal of inspiration to get back in shape and focus on our health. We’ve compiled 5 great ways to stay active in the springtime that are both fun and easy to implement into any busy or unpredictable routine. Squeeze just a bit more heart-healthy activity into your day.

1. Nurture Your Green Thumb

Spending a little time in the garden is a great way to clear your mind while adding some extra exercise into your daily routine. Not only does gardening provide a source of low-impact exercise, it also strengthens and stretches muscles thanks to the cyclic bending, reaching, and light lifting. You’ll have completed a task on your to-do list, your home will have a renewed Springtime curb-appeal, and you’ll be all the healthier for it by having simply put your green thumb to work! Who knew getting your blood pumping in the flowerbed could be so beneficial to your health?

2. Take Advantage of Warmer Weather

Spring brings some of the most beautiful weather of the year. Light breeze, warm sunshine, and fresh flowers make the desire to get outside in the fresh air irresistible. Set aside the indoor tasks for a rainy day and head out into the warmth of the Springtime. Take advantage of the season’s gift of comfortable temperatures and sunshine and take a brisk walk on a hiking trail, go fishing, or ride bikes with the family. The extra activity is a fantastic investment for your health.

3. Spring Forward with Daylight Savings

Daylight savings is a great perk that accompanies Spring. While the Winter short-changes us with long periods of dismal and dreary light, the Spring, and daylight savings time, gives us back an additional hour of sunlight! Take advantage of the extra daylight and spend a little while longer gardening, biking, hiking, or walking. Take advantage of the potential to stay active and better your health during the extra hour of daytime Spring brings.

4. Channel Your Inner-Kid – with Your Kids

Play isn’t only for children – adults can also benefit from engaging in play. Not only will your children think you’re the best for playing with them, play has been shown to increase energy and vitality in adults. Go outside with your children and kick or throw a ball, play tag, or jump on a trampoline. You’ll have a wonderful time bonding and you’ll be maintaining your health by staying active. Have fun!

5. Stay Fit with Fido

If you have a dog, they need exercise too! Spring is a great time to take an extra walk with your favorite pooch. Taking frequent walks will keep both of you healthy. Walking is associated with better overall cardiovascular health – and people who own dogs are more likely to engage in this activity regularly. This Spring commit to walking your furry friend once in the morning and once in the afternoon – you’ll both benefit from the extra activity!