Chris Stocker is a financial services professional and licensed insurance agent. He's also Owner and author of The Life of a Diabetic as well as Type 1 Detour. He's been writing about Diabetes related topics for over 10 years, and has been featured in HealthLine, Diatribe, Diabetes Advocates and JDRF.. He's been writing about Diabetes related topics for over 10 years, and has been featured in HealthLine, Diatribe, Diabetes Advocates and JDRF.
Affordable Burial Insurance for Diabetics in 2025
Diabetes365 ≫ Affordable Burial Insurance for Diabetics in 2025
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Fact Checked By

Chris Stocker
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Last Updated on March 11, 2025
Having Diabetes, no matter the Type of Diabetes, makes applying for all types of insurance a little more tricky. Health insurance, life insurance, or even burial insurance, requires a little more effort, in determining what your best options are. Afterall, nothing with Diabetes is easy, especially any type of insurance matters.
Burial insurance is an important type of financial coverage for many people with Diabetes. For millions of people, they prefer to pay for their final expenses and funeral costs through the proceeds of a burial insurance policy. We understand that discussing your funeral expenses is not a fun topic. However, it’s a very important one to address.
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According to the American Diabetes Association, There are over 34 million people with diabetes in the United States alone. Out of that number, nearly 94% have type 2 diabetes. Also, it’s speculated that nearly 84 million people may have Pre-Diabetes.
Good news though! Affordable burial insurance for diabetics is available for people with gestational diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. IF you’re on insulin, oral medications, or maybe a combination of the two, you’ll have several options to choose from, when it comes to burial insurance policies.
Just call us at 844-281-1503 and speak with a representative. We would love the opportunity to assist you and your family secure the policy given your financial needs. Diabetes 365 was created to help families find affordable life insurance with diabetes.
Even if your Diabetes isn’t under the best control, your rates for burial insurance for diabetics can be affordable. Various companies will ask details of your control of your condition, while some will not ask any details about your A1C history. If you are an individual with an elevated A1C, this would be beneficial as traditional life insurance companies may decline you for coverage due to a high A1C reading.
When you work with our agents, we help you find the best policy, given your Diabetes history, and overall health history. All you have to do is have a quick 5 minute phone call with an agent, and they’ll collect some basic health information from you. From there, we’ll present to you your various options for burial insurance coverage. Diabetes 365 has separated itself from other agencies, but choosing to only work with the Diabetes community. Our agents will only represent the most competitive companies, based off your health profile.
Perhaps you’ve spoken with other companies, or even been declined due to Diabetes history. Don’t be discouraged! WE come across cases like these all the time, and are able to find people the RIGHT company based off their Diabetes history. IN many situations, we are able to find a burial insurance company who may not charge higher rates, for having any type of diabetes.
The days of life insurance companies not considering Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics for coverage are LONG GONE! Life insurance companies have evolved, and are making life a little ‘easier’ on the Diabetes community.
What Exactly is Burial Insurance, or Final Expense Insurance?
Burial insurance or final expense insurance is a ‘term’ given to lower amounts of whole life insurance. Like the nickname, many people take out these policies to address burial costs, final expenses, and funeral costs. These burial insurance policies are the opposite of term life insurance, where the policy would expire at some point in time.
The policy features are identical to simplified issue whole life policies:
- Whole Life policy that will stay the same price and death benefit for life
- Pays 100% of the death benefit from day one (has no waiting period)
- No exclusions but suicide in first two years
- Cash value that can be borrowed from, or can be made into a reduced paid up policy if no longer want to pay premiums
- Does not require an exam or medical records for approval – just short phone interview
- At the time of death, the policy pays out the full death benefit to the named beneficiary. Payments are generally made in 2-3 business days.
- Policies may be assigned to a Funeral home, where the benefit is paid straight to a funeral home.
The great thing about these types of policies, is you’ll NEVER BE REQUIRED to complete a Medical Exam! Also, approvals are made on your application in a matter of minutes, or days. You will not be waiting around weeks, for a decision. It’s nice to know that you won’t be waiting around for weeks to hear if you are approved or not.
Who Needs Burial Insurance?
Burial insurance policies are mainly ideal for the person who wants to have a permanent policy, to address all of their final expenses. Many people turn to life insurance to fund this need, as the payment to the beneficiary is lump sum and tax free. As an insured, you know that insurance money will be there for your family at the time of your death, and no one has to worry about how to pay for the expenses. Many seniors tend to prefer these smaller policies to address their final expenses.
Here at Diabetes 365, we feel that most families could benefit from having a burial insurance policy in force. Knowing that your family members will not have to worry about your funeral expenses and final expenses is a selfless gift. For many the cost of coverage is affordable, and less expensive than you originally thought.
With these types of whole life insurance policies, anyone from ages Zero through age 89 may be able to qualify. Since no paramedical examination is required, obtaining coverage is most likely easier than you can imagine. Several companies we work with can make an approval in a matter of minutes.
How are Burial Insurance Rates Determined?
When it comes to any type of insurance product, especially life insurance, rates are always going to vary from person to person. Here’s a list of what will determine the rates for an individual:
- Current Age- The older a person is at the time of application, the higher the rates will be
- Usage of Tobacco- Smokers will pay much higher rates.
- Overall Health- A person with significant health issues may pay higher rates, or may only qualify for guaranteed acceptance policies.
- The Control of Your Diabetes- People with significant diabetes-related complications or high A1C readings may pay higher rates.
- Amount of Insurance- The higher amount of life insurance, the higher a person’s premiums will be.
What are the Different Types of Death Benefits?
Burial insurance policies for diabetics have TWO main types of death benefits, made payable to the beneficiary of the policy. Your overall health history, in combination with your Diabetes history will determine what plan you qualify for.
+ Immediate Death Benefit Plan – Like the name sounds, this burial policy will pay the full death benefit to the beneficiary, once ONE premium is paid. The only exclusion is if death occurs in first two years of policy, from Suicide. This is the type of burial policy, that most diabetics will qualify for. The trick is to work with a company, who specializes in working with the Diabetes community. We’ll know what companies that will approve you for Day 1 Coverage!
+ Graded Death Benefit Plan – These types of burial policies are intended for people who are in below average health. They are also known as ‘guaranteed acceptance’ policies. Since they will offer coverage to about anyone, their rates will be more expensive, compare to ‘immediate death benefit’ policies.
Also, with these policies, they will not pay the full death benefit, until after the second year of the policy. If death occurs in first two years of policies, premiums paid plus 10% is paid out. After two years, the full death benefit is paid out at time of death. People who have severe diabetic complications may only qualify for these types of diabetic burial insurance plans.
One of the biggest mistakes we see the Diabetes community make is accepting a graded or guaranteed issue policy, when they qualify for a policy that pays out immediately. Be leary of companies like Colonial Penn, AARP, and Globe Life who mail out applications to you. You may not even be aware that these policies have a two year waiting period, on paying out the full death benefit.
When it comes to making an important financial decision like purchasing a burial insurance policy, you’ll want to speak with an agent. Contact us at 844-281-1503 and speak with our agents. We know what companies are ideal for a person with Diabetes.
Here are some sample rates, of Guaranteed Issue Policies, for Diabetics:
Male Monthly Rates
Age | $5,000 | $10,000 | $15,000 | $20,000 | $25,000 |
50 | $19.66 | $38.41 | $57.15 | $75.90 | $94.65 |
55 | $23.55 | $46.11 | $68.70 | $91.31 | $113.90 |
60 | $28.78 | $56.65 | $84.52 | $112.38 | $140.25 |
65 | $34.60 | $68.29 | $101.98 | $135.67 | $169.36 |
70 | $44.41 | $87.91 | $131.41 | $174.90 | $218.40 |
75 | $62.79 | $124.67 | $186.54 | $248.42 | $310.29 |
80 | $110.92 | $220.92 | $330.92 | $440.92 | $550.92 |
Female Monthly Rates
Age | $5,000 | $10,000 | $15,000 | $20,000 | $25,000 |
50 | $14.53 | $28.14 | $41.75 | $55.37 | $68.98 |
55 | $18.38 | $35.84 | $53.30 | $70.77 | $88.23 |
60 | $23.70 | $46.48 | $69.25 | $92.03 | $114.81 |
65 | $28.19 | $55.46 | $82.73 | $110.00 | $137.27 |
70 | $34.83 | $68.75 | $102.67 | $136.58 | $170.50 |
75 | $45.60 | $90.29 | $134.98 | $179.67 | $224.36 |
80 | $76.54 | $152.17 | $227.79 | $303.42 | $379.04 |
What Burial Insurance Companies are BEST for Diabetics?
Sentinel Security Life– Sentinel Security life is very diabetic friendly for burial insurance policies. They will consider people who have Type 1 Diabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes. The one criteria that makes them tough is if you take over 50 units of insulin daily, they will not offer immediate coverage. Outside of that, great burial insurance company, and they provide GREAT customer service. We love this company as they are pretty easy to work with.
Royal Neighbors of America- Royal Neighbors of America may be a company that you have never heard of. But that’s not a bad thing! They are a great burial insurance company for Diabetics! You have to be over the age of 50 to take out a policy, and can’t be diagnosed with Diabetes before age 30. However, they will accept you no matter the amount of insulin you take, and they will accept people with Diabetic complications. Their rates are competitive, and they pay their death benefits out in a very timely manner. We love working with this company as their customer services are top notch.
Prosperity Life- Prosperity life is another great option, for a diabetic burial insurance policy. They offer policies to people age 50 and over. Their burial policy also doesn’t have a minimum age for Diabetes onset. Nor are they concerned about a person’s amount of insulin they are taking. Great life insurance company that many people have not heard of. Prosperity life will not accept people with Diabetic complications however.
Mutual of Omaha- Mutual of Omaha burial insurance is one of the better known burial insurance providers. You’ve probably seen their TV commercials, and are familiar with them. What you didn’t know is that they will accept Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics for burial insurance coverage. However, you have to be diagnosed at age 50 or later with Diabetes. To determine your eligibility, simply contact us.
Senior Life Insurance Company– Another great company, when it comes to burial insurance for diabetics. They will consider both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics. This policy is only available to people between ages 0-80. If you have a history of Diabetes complications, you may still qualify for their immediate death benefit plan. The application process takes about 15 minus with Senior Life, and usually a decision is made within 24 hours. Senior Life is a great company that understands the Diabetes community.
Gerber Life– Gerber Life insurance company, surprisingly, offers one of the best ‘guarantee acceptance’ policies. No health questions, and no one can be denied for their product. Minimum age to apply is 50. This is a good option for those Diabetics who can’t qualify for policies that pay a day immediate death benefit. You’ll only want to consider the Gerber Life Burial Insurance plan if you do not qualify for an immediate death benefit option.
If you want the best rates on burial insurance for Diabetics, you need to work with an agency like us! We are going to help you locate the policy that will not only accept you with your Diabetes history, but also recommend the lowest priced options.
Here are some sample quotes:
Immediate Death Benefit policies for Males, Non Tobacco
Immediate Death Benefit Policies for Females, Non Tobacco
What other Health Questions will be Asked?
Great question! All the various burial insurance companies will have their own health questions. But just to give you an example, here’s a sample health questionnaire from Royal Neighbors of America:
1. Has the proposed Insured used tobacco in any form in the last 12 months?
2. Is the Proposed Insured currently:
– Hospitalized, in a nursing facility, or receiving Hospice Care?
– Confined to a wheelchair, bed, or using oxygen equipment to assist in breathing?
3. Has a member of the medical profession ever diagnosed or treated the Proposed Insured for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS Related Complex (ARC), or any immune deficiency disease; or has the Proposed Insured tested positive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)?
4. Has the Proposed Insured ever been diagnosed as having or been treated for:
– Congestive heart failure, or had or been recommended to have an organ transplant?
– Insulin shock, diabetic coma, amputation caused by disease, or taken insulin shots prior to age 30?
– Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, or mental incapacity?
5. During the past 18 months has the Proposed Insured been diagnosed as having:
– Stroke, aneurysm, cardiomyopathy, or circulatory surgery?
– Angina (chest pain), heart attack or failure, or heart surgery?
6. During the past 24 months, has the Proposed Insured been diagnosed as having, or been treated for:
– Internal Cancer, Melanoma, or Leukemia?
– Cirrhosis, liver disease, kidney failure (including dialysis), chronic kidney disease, or systemic lupus?
7. During the past 18 months, has the Proposed Insured been diagnosed as having:
– A condition expected to result in death within 12 months?
– Been advised by a medical professional to have any diagnostic testing which has not been completed or for which the results have not been received?
– Been recommended by a physician to have treatment or counseling for alcohol or drug abuse?
8. During the past 24 months, has the Proposed Insured been diagnosed as having, or been treated for:
– Stroke, angina (chest pain), heart attack, or cardiomyopathy?
– Heart or circulatory surgery (including pacemaker, heart valve replacement, bypass, angioplasty, stent implant, or any procedure to improve circulation to the heart or brain)?
9. During the past 24 months, has the Proposed Insured been diagnosed as having, or been treated for:
– Emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or tuberculosis (TB)?
– Neuromuscular disease (including Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, Epilepsy, or Parkinson’s Disease
This is just one sample health questionnaire. If you would answer YES to some of these questions, you may qualify for another company’s diabetic burial insurance policy. That’s the advantage of working with Diabetes 365, and our agents. We aren’t limited to just recommending one life insurance company. We’ll help you find the company that suits you and your families needs.
Every insurance company will ask about your history of Diabetes. It’s extremely important to disclose your Diabetes condition on the application. Every insurance company will ask specific questions about when you were diagnosed with Diabetes. One company may ask if your diagnosis was onset before age 50. Another may ask if you were Diagnosed before age 30. These variations in questions is why it’s important to work with a knowledgeable agent who’s proficient in the Underwriting guides with several insurance carriers. Don’t make the mistake of applying to an insurance company who will decline you simply because of your age first diagnosed with Diabetes.
The bottom line is we ONLY work with people who have Diabetes, find the best types of insurance policies for them, and their family. We have the expertise to find you the Burial Insurance Policy that will work best in your situation. Don’t let other websites and agents trick you into thinking you cannot qualify for coverage, nor do not over pay for burial insurance coverage.
Simply contact us today, and let us provide you with the information you need. We advocate on behalf of our Diabetes community. Make the call today to 800-470-0179 to receive a no obligation quote!

Matt Schmidt
Matt Schmidt is a nationally licensed diabetes insurance expert. Over this time frame he's helped out over 10,000 clients secure life insurance coverage with Diabetes. He's frequently authors content to Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Simple Dollar, GoBanking Rates, MSN,, and Yahoo Finance and many more.
Matt Schmidt is also the Co-Founder of Diabetes Life Solutions and Licensed Insurance agent. He’s been working with the Diabetes community for over 18 years to find consumers the best life insurance policies. Since 2011, he has been a qualified non-member of MDRT, the most prestigious life insurance trade organization in the USA