Are Examinations Needed for Life Insurance with Diabetes?
Diabetes365 ≫ Are Examinations Needed for Life Insurance with Diabetes?
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Last Updated on March 11, 2025
Finding life insurance can be a very frustrating process⏤ especially as a diabetic. Fortunately, there are more and more companies that are now offering coverage to people with diabetes. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to get life insurance as a diabetic WITHOUT partaking in a medical exam. No medical exam life insurance is an extremely popular option for the diabetes community. Especially those who live with type 2 diabetes.
Although many companies do require a medical exam to be completed as a part of the underwriting process, there are still numerous options for those who are living with diabetes and don’t want to undergo a medical exam (for whatever their reasons may be).
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Here’s what we’ll cover in this post:
Diabetes Life Insurance Overview
With us living in the Covid 19 or Coronavirus era, many changes have occurred in the life insurance market place. As we come out of this environment, many positive changes have been made within the life insurance industry. Companies understand that many people may not want to meet at an examination office, or have an examiner come into their home. Or in some cases, underwriters know that certain people with diabetes are healthy and possibly additional medical testing is not needed.
Due to the unprecedented world we are living in, certain life insurance companies Diabetes 365 works with may waive the examination. Best thing about this is you may receive the EXACT type of rates as a company who requires an examination. I mean if you DON’T have to do an examination and get preferential rates, why would you go through the additional requirements?
Life insurance companies have been evolving over time, and that’s a positive. They are even beginning to favor people who have type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes or even gestational diabetics a little more favorably. Using background checks and reports you can be approved without subjecting yourself to traditional life insurance underwriting.
Because of this, rates for life insurance as a diabetic are at all time lows. And policies are now offering the same types of life insurance riders, that people without diabetes can obtain. If not wanting to complete a medical exam while applying for life insurance, you’d most likely have this option available to you. We can honestly say that 75% of applicants for diabetes life insurance may have non medical exam options.
The ONLY way we or anyone can determine what non medical exam life insurance options you’ll have is by contacting us, or by completing a quote request. After reaching out to us, an agent can communicate with you to learn more about your health and diabetes history. Once the necessary information is received from you, an agent will share multiple non medical examination options with you.
What Happens During a Life Insurance Medical Exam?
If you are looking for an insurance policy that provides you with the largest benefit for the lowest monthly premium payment, it might be in your best interest to take a medical exam. Or if it may be BEST to apply on a non medical exam basis. There’s honestly no way to determine which type of policy is best for you until you begin working with us, and providing us with a diabetes questionnaire. Your detailed diabetes history will point us in the right direction depending on your answers.
The reason for this is that insurance companies want to be confident about the level of risk that is associated with providing coverage to each individual. The best way to fully grasp the state of wellbeing in the health of the prospective insured is through the recommended medical exam. Showing updated lab results including A1C and Glucose readings will show an underwriter an accurate look into how well your diabetes is being controlled. Generally, if willing to complete this type of paramedical exam, more life insurance companies will consider you for coverage. The number of no exam life insurance options for a diabetic will be limited to probably 10 or less companies.
The medical exam is pretty basic. The insurance company will send a nurse or paramedic to your residence to perform a few simple medical tests, such as a blood test and take a urine sample, and they will ask you to fill out a medication questionnaire. In the past, if you want to bypass the medical exam, you will be paying a larger premium. For some individuals with diabetes, ‘skipping’ a medical examination will NO LONGER mean you pay higher rates. If your diabetes is well-managed by prescription drugs, and you are compliant with the treatment your Doctor is recommending, chances are you will receive a lower rate compared to a person who is noncompliant with treatment..
In the event you wish to complete a paramedical examination, the examiner will take your Height, Weight, and will collect blood and urine samples. This information is then sent to an independent lab. The results are then sent to the insurance company, or the underwriter to review. These lab results can also be sent to you as well for your records. We’ll note that you’ll want to be certain that
In order to ensure the lowest rates, it is very important to effectively manage your diabetes through a healthy diet and exercise. Other factors that can significantly lower your monthly rates are lowering your A1C, reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight, and taking less medications. Rates also tend to be lower if you were diagnosed with diabetes later in life. Basically, you want to be as healthy as possible at time of applying.
What If I Want to Skip the Life Insurance Medical Exam?
However, you may want to skip the medical exam for multiple reasons. Maybe you do not have the time to get a medical exam done, you aren’t managing your diabetes to your best ability, you are a tobacco user, you are considered overweight, or you want life insurance quickly. The good news is if your diabetes is well-managed with doctor-subscribed prescriptions, you don’t need to take a medical exam to qualify for coverage.
Depending on the applicant, rates without an examination may NOT be more expensive. But in order for us to determine your best options you’ll want to complete a quote request and speak with an agent about your health profile. It may be in your best interest to do an examination.
Some life insurance companies will offer policies that will simply do a prescription drug background check, and a Medical Information Bureau review. The information in these background checks determine your eligibility, and your rates.
There are several life insurance companies issuing life insurance for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics with no exam required, both term and whole life policies. If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there are many different options for you, with ranging amounts of coverage. Different companies have rules governing who they will approve, varying from ages of people they will accept to the method of medication you use. There are companies who will disqualify you if you use any type of injectable insulin. As long as you don’t have any other underlying health conditions, you should not have any trouble finding an insurance company that will provide you with coverage.
If you have type 1 diabetes, it may be a little more complicated to find affordable life insurance. Because there isn’t a known cure for type 1 diabetes, the potential for loss is higher. Therefore, the risks associated with guaranteeing a death benefit is also greater. 99% of the time life insurance rates for a type 1 diabetes individual will be more expensive compared to a person living with type 2 diabetes. While this seems unfair, it’s simply how life insurance companies are viewing type 1 diabetics.
There are still no medical exam options available to the type 1 diabetes community, but MOST companies will order the last 4 to 5 years worth of medical records. The information in those medical records will determine the final offers. Don’t stress this. You may also have a couple of options by companies who do not require a review of medical records. So if you absolutely want to bypass the medical exam, you would have options.
Please also note if you are unaware of what type of lab results you have in your medical history, please do NOT apply to companies who’ll review medical files. You may get declined and not be able to qualify for coverage. Rather, apply on a non medical basis initially. Or if you can gain access to your records, look them over and share things with an agent for further guidance.
What Information are Underwriters Looking For?
Life insurance companies will be looking for the following information in your medical records, that will determine eligibility and your final rates:
- How well is your control of your Diabetes
- What is your recent A1C readings
- Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio readings
- Fructosamine readings
- Glucose readings
- BUN readings
- Do you have any Diabetes related complications
- Are you compliant with your Doctors instructions on treatment
- Do you have a regular exercise program
- Are you watching your diet
- Any other severe health issues
If you’re applying for life insurance on a medical examination basis, those types of readings and results will have a direct correlation to the types of offers you’ll receive. Now if readings come back abnormal, expect to pay higher premiums, or you may find yourself declined all together.
In the event an insurance company will make a final offer without any examinations or lab work, your medical records will 100% determine your fate. The more positive information in your file, the better your rates will be. Or if a company can make an offer using MIB data and prescription drug history, your background information will determine being approved or being declined.
We also like to point out that most people with Gestational Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, or Pre-Diabetes will receive better rates than a person with Type 1 Diabetes. Most life insurance providers will view an individual living with Type 1 Diabetes as a ‘higher’ risk than other types of diabetes. While we feel this is unfair, it’s simply how the life insurance world is.
When working with Diabetes 365, your dedicated agent will walk you thru all this, and will explain to you all your choices. Since we only work with the Diabetes community, we’ll only provide you with real and accurate information. No fake quotes, no low balls offers will be given from us. We are a part of the Diabetes community, so we are going to treat you with the respect you deserve.
Don’t let that frighten you, though; you can still find the perfect insurance plan, even with type 1 diabetes. There are plans, like companies we work with, that cover type 1 diabetics from ages 0-89 (amounts of coverage vary) and $10K to $5 million (amounts vary from state to state as does product offering). Some people may even qualify for $2 million or higher on a non medical exam basis.
Final Thoughts
When choosing an insurance plan, make sure to look out for any waiting periods, incontestability periods, and other restrictions that could prevent you from receiving the benefits you need and deserve. Sadly many people apply to guaranteed issue companies when they’d qualify for immediate death benefits options. You only want to apply for a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy as a last resort. Most likely you will qualify for a policy that pays an immediate death benefit. God forbid something were to happen to you in the first two policy years, we’d want to make sure that your beneficiary would receive the full amount of the life insurance policy.
Everyone’s financial objectives are different. The amounts of coverage, and the type of policy you need will vary from person to person. Some individuals need a diabetes term life insurance policy while others may benefit from whole life insurance policies.
No matter what type of diabetes you have, you would have no medical exam options available to you. It’s important that you fill out a quote request, or contact us to discuss your options. Everyone’s diabetes profile is different. And so will their life insurance options. Speak with us, and let us provide you real and accurate Diabetes life insurance information. There is a lot of misinformation when it comes to diabetes and life insurance. Lean on us, and let our agents help you and your family find the best possible life insurance policy for your family today!
The Diabetes community has several life insurance options available to them. Especially when it comes to non medical exam options. It’s important to speak with an agent from Diabetes 365, and let us provide you the various life insurance options available to you. Let us make the life insurance application process as simple as possible for yourself.

Matt Schmidt
Matt Schmidt is a nationally licensed diabetes insurance expert. Over this time frame he's helped out over 10,000 clients secure life insurance coverage with Diabetes. He's frequently authors content to Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Simple Dollar, GoBanking Rates, MSN,, and Yahoo Finance and many more.
Matt Schmidt is also the Co-Founder of Diabetes Life Solutions and Licensed Insurance agent. He’s been working with the Diabetes community for over 18 years to find consumers the best life insurance policies. Since 2011, he has been a qualified non-member of MDRT, the most prestigious life insurance trade organization in the USA