Spotlight: Delaney Blue


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Last Updated on March 11, 2025

Over the past few decades, more and more companies have started using their professional forces for good, instead of just worrying about the bottom line. In the diabetic community, there are dozens of different organizations that are working towards finding a cure. Each organization helps in its own way. Diabetes365 would like to highlight one of the organizations, Delaney Blue.

Delaney Blue is a wine company that is looking to make a difference in the lives of people with diabetes. This company is not only selling bottles of wine, but they are also donating funds towards type 1 research and raising awareness about the disease. The wine is named after Delaney Friend, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 12. Delaney’s father, Vince, is an expert at making wine. After she was diagnosed with type 1, it seemed obvious that they should find a way to combine the two things, diabetes, and wine. And they are taking an interesting approach to the unusual pairing. With the wine having a having a bright, fresh, and vibrant flavoring, it only made sense for them to name it after their daughter.

We reached out to Delaney Blue to learn more about the company and see how they impact diabetes research and those affected by it. We asked a Delaney Blue representative, Kathleen Friend, what ignited the idea to use the funds to assist with diabetes research, “The idea for Delaney Blue Wine came from our desire to help raise money for life-changing Diabetes research, education and to improve the lives of individuals living with T1D.” Their goals for the company are simple “Inspire. Dream. Hope. Cure” and they try and reflect these in everything they do.

There are a lot of people that would be skeptical of using wine to raise money for diabetes, but Friend explains that the diabetes community has received them with open arms, “the response to Delaney Blue has been overwhelming! We have a BUZZ on social media that has people from all over the country spreading the news.” Which is easy to tell by looking at their social media sites. With over 1,800 likes on Facebook and over 3,000 followers on Instagram, they have created quite a stir in the diabetic community. They use the hashtag #Wine4ACure to help raise awareness of both their brand and the severity of diabetes. They have even created enough of a splash to gain the attention of celebrities, athletes, and other diabetes organizations around the nation.

So since its release, how has the company done so far? They are currently shipping to 37 different states and plan on expanding their product line to include more wine selection and maybe even some sparkling wine. Don’t worry if you don’t like wine; they also have a selection of other merchandise that you can purchase to show your support for the company.

With Delaney Blue, it isn’t about using their excess profits to help diabetes research. They are using diabetes research as their goal for the onset. For the Friend family, discovering a cure is much more than a mission for their organization, it’s become a mission for their family. Diabetes isn’t a disease that’s just impacting millions of people across the world. It’s a disease that is impacting their family.

If you’re looking to enjoy a nice glass of Delaney Blue, purchasing a bottle (or case) can easily be ordered at their website. As the company continues to grow, we expect to see an even greater impact on both the wine marketplace and among the diabetic community. For now, sit back, for yourself a nice glass of wine, and enjoy it with some crackers and cheese (whole grain and in moderation of course).