Last Updated on February 17, 2025
Many people assume that type 2 diabetes is strictly an “adult” disease, but type 2 diabetes is a rising epidemic among children and youth in the United States.
One of the reasons that diabetes has become frequent in children is the rising number of children that are overweight or obese. Over 80% of children with type 2 diabetes are overweight. While being overweight isn’t the only cause of type 2 diabetes, there has been a link between excess weight and the chances of being diagnosed with diabetes. This is especially true if your family has a history of diabetes.
Get Out and Get Moving
One of the best ways to help keep your children from being at risk for diabetes is to get them moving. Exercise and an active lifestyle are the best ways to combat being diagnosed with diabetes, but getting a child to go outside and play isn’t always easy. With so many television shows, video games, and electronics more and more kids are spending countless hours inside sitting on the couch. It shouldn’t be a chore to exercise. As a parent there are several ways that you can help you child exercise while they are having fun.
Signing your child up for a sport is a great way to ensure they are getting the exercise they need. Sports are an excellent channel for your child to make friends, discover what they love, and also stay active. Many towns have recreational sports that you can sign your child up for. If your child doesn’t want to participate in recreational sports, go play those sports with them instead. You don’t need a whole team to play soccer, football, or basketball. You can enjoy shooting free throws or throwing that touchdown pass with your child in the backyard.
Make it a Competition
Most kids love to compete. Make your exercises a competition. Every day that you or your child plays, worksout, exercises, etc. put it on a calendar with the number of minutes. At the end of the week, the person that has the most minutes of activity gets to pick what’s for dinner or what’s for dessert. A little friendly competition is a great motivator for your kids (and you!)
Invite Friends
Friends make just about everything better, including exercise. If your kids are riding bikes or playing tag in the yard with friends, they won’t even realize they are exercising. Find other parents that would like to have play dates once or twice a week. You can meet at a playground, park, or at your children’s school.
Offer Incentives
Okay, we know bribery isn’t the best parenting advice, but it works. You can offer your child anything from a toy, money, or their favorite food. You can pick whatever small item to entice your child to get out and get moving, but don’t use sweets like candy or chips (it’s counterproductive).
Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
While type 2 diabetes can help be prevented with a healthy diet and exercise, it’s still good to know the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and be aware of them if your children start showing any of them. The longer diabetes goes undiagnosed, the more complications that can arise. Some of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes include:
- Headache
- Blurry vision
- Frequent thirst
- Frequent urination
- Dry or itchy skin
If your child starts developing one or more of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your family physician. Type 2 diabetes can be managed well, but the earlier the diagnoses, the better. Don’t ignore your child if they start complaining of any of these symptoms.