Last Updated on March 11, 2025
This article might seem like just another list of foods you can’t eat, but that’s not true. Diabetics can still eat these things, BUT in moderation and with a plan.
We have compiled a list of things that you should think twice about eating. While you can still enjoy these foods, it’s better to try and avoid them as much as possible. Most of the items on our list apply to non-diabetics as well. We have also included a healthy and delicious alternative.
Sugary Sweets
Ok, let’s get the obvious one out of the way. Every diabetic knows what all the candy and desserts can do to you. We won’t harp on the nutritional facts, because you already know them.
Eat some fruit! We know fruit isn’t always as exciting as candy, but you can spice it up. Add some low-fat whipped cream with berries, and you have a delicious dessert to calm that sweet tooth.
Fruit Juice
This one is a bit trickier than sugary sweets. Fruit juice seems to be a healthy choice on the surface. Fruit juice is better than soda right? While fruit juice is a great treatment for hypoglycemia, it isn’t good all the time.
Fruit juices while good for you, contain a high amount of sugar.
Eat some fruit! Eating the whole fruit is better for you than the concentrated juice. Eating the fruit contains more fiber and will take you longer to eat, which will fill you up more than juice.
Dried Fruit
This is another category that can be deceiving. Dried fruits like cranberries or raisins can be healthy in small amounts. Dried fruit is an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins, but it also contains a high amount of sugar. During the dehydration process, all of the sugar becomes concentrated.
Eat some fruit! No, this isn’t our answer for every category. Just like with fruit juice, always go for fresh fruit instead of dehydrated.
Canned Vegetables
People with diabetes are more likely to have high blood pressure than those without diabetes. Because of their higher risk, diabetics should carefully monitor their sodium intake. One high source of sodium is canned vegetables. To persevere the vegetables, manufacturers add salts and preserves to help save the flavor.
This one is obvious, and it’s not “Eat some fruit!”. Instead of buying the canned vegetables, go buy fresh vegetables. They aren’t as convenient, but they are healthier. If you are trying to save time, clean and cut your vegetables before dinnertime.
Fatty Meats
The fatty cuts of meat contain a lot of, well… fat. The saturated fat in meat raises cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease. This is important to diabetics, because diabetics are already at an increased chance of having heart disease.
When you are looking for something to throw on the grill, look for leaner meats. Lean beefs, chicken, and turkey are all delicious options, and much better for you.
Looking at the list of things you shouldn’t eat might be discouraging. But with some planning ahead, you can still enjoy all of these things. Diabetes isn’t about cutting out all your favorite foods, it’s about eating them carefully.