Grocery Shopping For Diabetics


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Last Updated on February 17, 2025

For a newly diagnosed diabetic, grocery shopping can be confusing. The list of “do’s and don’t” seem to be miles long. It is hard to remember what you can and can’t eat. With the millions of options on each aisle, it is easy to become overwhelmed. There are a few grocery shopping tips to make the task easier.

Understand what you need to avoid

The most important part of shopping with type 2 diabetes is learning what you shouldn’t eat. There are a lot of foods that can seem like good options, but are not good for your health. As a rule of thumb, there are a few items that you need to avoid:

  • White Breads and white rice – these are full of refined starches that act like sugar when digested.
  • Potato chips and french fries – both are high in saturated fats and contain a large amount of starch.
  • Sodas and flavored coffees – both drinks are full of sugar that can make your glucose go through the roof.
  • Sweets and candies – this one is obvious.
  • Fruit juices – even juices that are “100%” fruit juice contain a lot of sugar.

People without diabetes should avoid most of these as well. These foods have little nutritional value and can cause spikes in blood sugar. You can still enjoy them on occasions and in small portions.

Look for the healthier option

While you may want to avoid a lot of foods, there are tons of delicious options that you can enjoy.

Instead of buying the bag of potato chips, reach for carrots or celery. Both of these are excellent options for healthy snacking. Both are excellent when you get the craving to snack in-between meals. If you don’t love the taste, try dipping them in hummus or a non-fat yogurt dip for extra flavor.

You might be disappointed when you have to skip your favorite dessert at the store. Instead try buying Greek yogurt topped with fresh fruits or almonds. A low-fat yogurt can satisfy that sweet tooth without making your spiking your blood sugar.

Avoid the sugary sodas and fruit juices by buying flavored waters. Most grocery stores carry a wide assortment of flavored waters that are delicious without the sugar. You can create your own drink at home by adding your favorite fruits to a glass of water.

When you are choosing your proteins, go to the seafood aisle. Fish contains low amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol. Seafood is an excellent source of proteins and omega acids.

Read the labels

Just about every label you see in the grocery store says, “lower sodium”, “organic”, or “less fat” but that doesn’t mean that these foods are a good option. Marketers are notorious for making foods appear healthier than they are. Most of these foods are not good for you. The best way to healthy grocery shopping is by taking the time to read the labels. The FDA requires companies to list every ingredient.

This sounds time-consuming, but the more you do it, the quicker you will be at spotting what’s important. You should focus on the serving sizes, carbohydrates, sugar, and the amount of fiber and fat. Eventually you will know your food labels by heart.

Make a list and do your research

Decide what you want to cook before you make your list. Check your refrigerator, pantry, and cabinets to see what you already have. Doing this prevents you from buying something you already have.

Writing a list helps you avoid getting those sugary items that you don’t need. This benefits your health and your wallet.

After you’ve made your list, research the healthiest brands before you go to the store. A few simple Google searches can save you time in the aisles. If you know you need a certain food, use your search engine to see which one is the best.

If the idea of shopping with diabetes overwhelms you at first, there are “diabetic shopping lists” that have been created to make the grocery store trips easier. These lists contain all the “must-haves” when controlling your type 2 diabetes. Most lists include which items you should find a “no salt” or “sugar free” option.

Grocery shopping with diabetes doesn’t have to be painful. You can still find healthy and delicious options while maintain your diabetes.