Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors & Prevention


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Last Updated on February 17, 2025

Type 2 diabetes is prevalent among several individuals.  Millions of individuals are living with this type of chronic illness.  It is a condition where the body rejects insulin hormone or doesn’t produce it, as usual, so one must rely on other sources. There are various diabetes risks; however, the condition is manageable.  We all know that most of the Type 2 diabetes community lives a healthy lifestyle, and it’s debatable that people with diabetes are some of the healthiest people on the planet.

Has the thought of going for a diabetes test ever crossed your mind? Just like any other health condition, diabetes risk assessment is critical. You may not have started seeing any signs yet, which is very typical because, for some individuals, it takes time before you start witnessing the signs. On the other hand, you may have seen a symptom or two in your body, but that doesn’t guarantee you have it. You cannot know for sure unless you go for an assessment.  It’s extremely important to make sure your doctor is testing for diabetes through routine bloodwork at your appointments.

For some people who do not see a Doctor on a regular basis, they discover they have a type of Diabetes when they apply for life insurance coverage.  As you may well know, many times a person will have to complete blood testing, and paramedical examination for a life insurance application.  If a person’s lab results have an elevated A1C reading, they will be viewed as an uncontrolled Diabetic and may possibly be declined for life insurance coverage.  This can be a frightening thing to discover, as you may not have known you indeed have a form of diabetes.

These risk factors and prevention below might be what you need to manage your condition.


Type 2 Diabetes Risks

With diabetes, the sooner you become aware of your condition, the earlier you can manage it before it can advance to something chronic. These are some of the risk factors you need to be on the lookout for;



Aging is never a good thing because you are more prone to contracting various diseases; diabetes type 2 is one. The more you advance age-wise, the more alert you should be about any signs of diabetes, starting at 40 mostly.


Family History

Diabetes is a genetic disease, and one should be on the lookout if your parents or siblings have it. This doesn’t mean you have to fret yourself to death; you might be at diabetes risk but don’t get the disease at all.

Weight Concerns

You need to watch your weight. Those with extra weight are at a higher diabetes risk health. Gestational diabetes is prevalent in pregnant women. This comes from the additional value you’ll be carrying in your belly and, it happens especially when you were already weighing extra. You can switch to lactose-free protein powder and avoid carbs as you watch your weight.


High Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure or have ever received treatment for the same, then you’re most likely a person of interest. High blood can be genetic, but majorly it results from environmental factors. There are various blood pressure monitors you can use from home; it’s upon you to watch out for your health.


Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is very risky not just for your weight but also for your general health. An example is where you spend the whole day seated behind a desk, and when it’s time to leave, you hop in your car and drive home. You are basically spending a huge amount of your time inactive. You won’t be risking getting diabetes but also being overweight and other diseases that come along with it. Try and be active even while in the office; you can have a standing desk to help you stretch, deliver papers on your own or go out to grab your meal.  Try and be creative and find ways to not be seated in one spot for too long.



Did you know that smoking can also lead to type 2 diabetes other than cancer and heart diseases? Why dig an early grave for yourself when you can live your life to your full potential. If you can avoid smoking altogether, the better. However, if you’re already an addict, some help quitting may do.


Here are some sample tips to help prevent Type 2 Diabetes


Eat Healthy

Partially, type 2 diabetes can be considered a lifestyle disease. One of the best ways to prevent it is by changing your lifestyle. This starts with your diet; avoid too many carbs and junk food that increases body weight. What you consume is very important, whether at home or from the restaurant. If you can do away with those junks, it’s better. Eating healthy, however, does not mean that you should starve yourself.  We recommend exploring new foods and recipes.  Have fun creating a weekly menu with fun recipes.  Here’s a link to countless diabetes recipes that everyone can enjoy:  Diabetes Food Hub

Keep Your Body Engaged Frequently

You can avoid a sedentary lifestyle by doing some routine physical activities with less intensity. A little morning run or a walk in the park can be useful. If you don’t like exercising, then there are other activities to keep your body engaged without necessarily exercising. For instance, you can decide to take the stairs every morning instead of the lift. You can ride a bike to work or make it a routine to do general cleaning at your place every weekend.  We’ve also written an article on 10 popular exercises for people with diabetes here:  Exercise Tips for People with Diabetes .


Routine screening for diabetes risk factors type 2 is also another preventive measure to take. This is recommended; those who have hit the age of 40 and are overweight are less than 40 but still fat. If you have a family history of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or have a history of gestational diabetes.


Shed that Extra Weight

When you realize you have started to add on the same weight, you always think of working out and procrastinating for later. You probably won’t realize it until you’re overweight then you start struggling with how to go about it. It is advised that you start at the moment you realize you are adding that extra weight. Tone it down immediately and if possible, avoid whatever it is that caused it. Prevention is always better than cure, so start early.



The best way to prevent diabetes is to start by watching your health and lifestyle. Now don’t wait for you to hit that age or start gaining some weight. If you already have diabetes, you should closely monitor your blood sugar level to avoid further complications. Learn more about the disease and take more caution with your health. Diabetes is manageable, but if you can prevent it, then that’s even better.

Nobody wants to experience any types of Diabetes complications, nor suffer from uncontrolled Diabetes.  Having a high quality of life is important when living with Diabetes.  Diabetes can be challenging enough without living with severe diabetic complications.

Have you ever gone for diabetes screening? What prompted you to go? Please share your experience with us!


Matt Schmidt is a nationally licensed diabetes insurance expert. Over this time frame he's helped out over 10,000 clients secure life insurance coverage with Diabetes. He's frequently authors content to Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Simple Dollar, GoBanking Rates, MSN, Insurancenews.net, and Yahoo Finance and many more.

Matt Schmidt is also the Co-Founder of Diabetes Life Solutions and Licensed Insurance agent. He’s been working with the Diabetes community for over 18 years to find consumers the best life insurance policies.  Since 2011, he has been a qualified non-member of MDRT, the most prestigious life insurance trade organization in the USA